Henry Zeffman: Will falling inflation change minds on the campaign trail?

Henry Zeffman: Will falling inflation change minds on the campaign trail?
2024-06-19 19:08:27

How a Kenyan farmer became a champion of climate change denial

A Kenyan farmer has caught the eye of climate change deniers worldwide. But what is driving him?
2024-06-16 20:08:50

Climate change made historic Brazil floods twice as likely: scientists

Post Content
2024-06-03 23:06:44

Spring Causes Change of Plans On Quebec-Labrador Journey

Post Content
2024-05-24 02:07:15

Why climate change means more jellyfish stings for ocean swimmers

Post Content
2024-05-16 15:08:42

Tata won't change mind on job cuts, Gething says

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2024-05-10 17:08:49

Vladimir Putin: Little chance of change as Kremlin leader is sworn in again

Post Content
2024-05-07 03:07:07

UN chief demands change of Israeli strategy after aid worker deaths

Post Content
2024-04-05 22:10:11

Scientists help save UK pint from climate change

Researchers are identifying genes in the hop plant to produce varieties that will be more resilient to climate change.
2024-03-26 08:08:38

Climate change: Easter eggs may cost more as warming hits cocoa crops

Post Content
2024-03-21 08:09:03

Tesco forced to change Clubcard logo after Lidl row

The supermarket giant has to change its yellow circle logo after a ruling it infringed Lidl's trademark.
2024-03-19 14:09:28

Climate change is speeding up in Antarctica

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2024-03-19 13:09:29

Scientists: Climate change intensified the rains devastating East Africa

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2023-12-07 18:09:44

Political and business leaders discuss change during war at NV event

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2023-11-11 18:08:00

Wars, Trade Bans and Climate Change Turn Food Into Politics

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2023-10-13 08:10:27

Change of plans: US Army embraces lessons learned from war in Ukraine

Post Content
2023-10-09 14:09:55

Climate change: Temperature analysis shows UN goals 'within reach'

Moves by China, along with the election of Joe Biden, make temperature targets more achievable.
2020-12-01 02:06:23

Report: Climate change damaging more World Heritage sites

2020-12-02 14:06:04

Climate change: 2020 set to be one of the three warmest years on record

Provisional figures indicate that 2020 will be one of the hottest in a record dating back to 1850.
2020-12-02 15:06:00

Sir David Attenborough: "Our lives depend" on climate change fight

Sir David Attenborough discusses the climate crisis with the UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
2020-12-02 18:05:59

Arsenal: Hector Bellerin 'really believes results will come'

Defender Hector Bellerin believes "results will come" for Arsenal and it is up to the players to "change this dynamic they are in".
2020-12-04 13:05:50

Joe Biden says 'no time to waste' as climate team unveiled

The US president-elect says the team will lead his "ambitious plan" to combat climate change.
2020-12-20 03:09:54

Covid-19: Can face masks make communal singing safe enough?

Communal singing is against Covid guidelines in the UK but could a new scientific study change that?
2020-12-22 18:08:01

Republican senator to dispute certification of Biden victory

The tactic is expected to change nothing, but will set the stage for what the Biden camp called "antics".
2020-12-31 02:05:49

Four protests that triggered change - and one that didn't

The BBC looks at a selection of history's powerful protests and why only some achieved their goals.
2020-12-31 03:06:50

Why 2021 will be turning point for tackling climate change

Next year could be a "make or break" moment in the fight against global warming.
2021-01-01 02:06:00

Meet India's lower-caste Hindu priest

For centuries, priests came only from the highest caste. But Marichamy is part of a push for change.
2021-01-02 02:05:57

South Korea: Child rapist's release sparks demand for change

The release of a child rapist has South Korea in uproar with calls to toughen legislation.
2021-01-05 03:06:07

Climate change: Alaskan wilderness opens up for oil exploration

The Trump administration pushes ahead with first oil lease sales in an Arctic wildlife refuge.
2021-01-06 16:06:56

Climate change: Alaskan wilderness opens up for oil exploration

The Trump administration pushes ahead with first oil lease sales in an Arctic wildlife refuge.
2021-01-06 16:07:03

Belgium after Brexit: How the change will affect popular exports

Companies that trade with the UK say higher prices and less choice are on the way.
2021-01-09 02:05:51

Google suspends 'free speech' app Parler

Apple will also remove the social network from its App Store if it does not change its policies.
2021-01-09 03:05:51

How much can Joe Biden get done on the US economy?

The new US president may have more scope to make change than initially thought.
2021-01-14 02:05:58

Global Phase Change Memory Industry

2021-01-14 16:06:01

Climate change: 'Exceptionally hot' 2020 concludes warmest decade

The years between 2011 and 2020 were the hottest on record, and 2020 was among the warmest of all.
2021-01-14 18:05:59

Coronavirus: EU anger over reduced Pfizer vaccine deliveries

Many EU countries are receiving significantly fewer doses due to a change in manufacturing processes.
2021-01-15 20:05:51

Shukatsu sexism: The Japanese jobseekers fighting discrimination

Japanese job hunters are more diverse than ever and they are demanding change.
2021-01-17 03:06:59

Trouble at home may change Biden's hand in Iran nuke talks

2021-01-18 23:05:52

Climate change: Biden's first act sets tone for ambitious approach

Re-joining the Paris climate pact is a symbolic and practical first step for the Biden White House.
2021-01-21 00:05:57

US actress Jane Fonda to get Golden Globes' lifetime achievement award

The 83-year-old Hollywood royalty is also known as an active climate change campaigner.
2021-01-27 06:05:51

Climate change: Biggest global poll supports 'global emergency'

More than a million people in 50 countries take part in the biggest poll to date on climate change.
2021-01-27 07:06:00

The pilots forced to change career completely

With airlines grounded due to Covid, we speak to three former pilots who have left the industry.
2021-01-28 02:05:57

A rare display of attacking intent - could this be a new beginning for new-look Newcastle?

After a shift in approach, could Steve Bruce's fortunes at Newcastle be about to change?
2021-01-30 23:05:58

Biden could change course in high court health care case

2021-01-31 14:05:53

'I got my Florida school district to convert to electric buses'

Holly Thorpe's science fair project measured CO2 levels around school buses and led to the change.
2021-02-02 02:05:56

Céline Dionként éli tovább az életét a férfi, aki részegen megváltoztatta a nevét

Thomas Todd Karácsonykor alkoholmámoros állapotban nézte Céline Dion koncertjét, majd rájött, hogy az énekesnő nevével szeretné tovább élni az életét ? tudósította a Ladbible bulvárlap. Elmondása szerint ittasan ?nagyszerű ötlet?-nek tűnt, hogy férfi létére felvegye a női híresség nevét. A névváltoztatás megviselte a pénztárcáját, ugyanis 35 ezer forintnak megfelelő összegbe került. Természetesen másnap már el is felejtette, hogy mit tett, de pár nappal később megkapta új okmányait, amelyek a meglepetés erejével hatottak rá. Annyira ledöbbent, hogy majdnem elájult a konyhájában.   Todd ennek...
2021-02-03 15:05:51

Romania baptisms: Six-week-old baby's death sparks calls for change

The death of a six-week-old baby after a ceremony prompts a key archbishop to back reforms.
2021-02-05 20:05:59

In pictures: Cycling 5,000 miles in a city of change

Geoffrey Hiller spent a year cycling around a US city, witnessing the pandemic, protests and wildfires.
2021-02-08 02:06:00

Queen did not block legislation, Buckingham Palace says

Archive papers suggest the monarch's lawyers successfully argued to change a draft law in the 1970s.
2021-02-08 12:06:02

Monumentális BLM-feliratot lepleztek le George Floyd egykori középiskolája előtt

Monumentális aszfaltfestést lepleztek le szombaton Houstonban a Jack Yates High School előtt, írta meg a CNN. A helyszín megválasztása nem volt véletlen, hiszen az emlékműnek is beillő írást George Floyd tiszteletére festették fel, aki a Jack Yatesben végezte középiskolai tanulmányait. Az épület előtt virító hatalmas BLACK LIVES MATTER felirat Carl Davis, a Houston Society for Change nevű szervezet vezetője szerint az élet és a város örökségének ünnepe. Davis szerint Floyd élete jelző fény a helyi közösségnek, és megjegyezte, fontos volt, hogy a feliratot az iskola elé helyezzék, hogy az ins...
2021-02-09 13:05:41

Arab Spring: How the uprisings still echo, 10 years on

Revolutions brought dramatic to change to the region - but the causes have not gone away.
2021-02-12 02:05:58


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